Let me interject now, that as soon as we got to the warm up, I realized that our dressage test would be performed in Windurra's dressage ring. The one with the full length mirrors that run the whole length of the "C" side of the arena. At that moment, I completely lowered my expectations for the test. There was no way for us to ride around the ring before our test, so I knew she was too green to even get close to the mirrors willingly. When we were able to start our test (Beginner Novice Test A), we went down center line and she stopped about ten meters from C, turned around and decided, "none of that, mom. take me away from here. NOW." The judge had seen our warm up, so she allowed me to restart the test and marked it as a test error. For that second chance, I am eternally grateful. I spent the rest of the test asking for more where I knew I could and just praying she wouldn't take off at the judge's end. The judge commented afterward on how much I laughed down at her end. She said it was refreshing to see someone handle a young horse with such a sense of humor. To which I responded, "how else to you handle a young horse?" We actually got 7s on a whole lot of our movements, so it was a really incredible learning experience for both of us and she is definitely better for having done it.
Onto jumping. It's definitely her stronger suit. I only did a short warm up, getting her in front of my leg and jumping out of a stride. I think we're going to experiment with bits this week as she pulls quite a lot after fences, so I'd like to find something just a hair stronger to get her lighter before we can switch back. :)
The course was pretty straightforward, except for one offset two-stride that was five strides after a scary oxer with these big fake boulders as fillers. This was the only line I was even a little bit worried about, so obviously most of my focus throughout the course was preparing. As we turned to the scary line, Z saw the arena entrance and thought she was done, so she broke to the trot. This meant we didn't have quite the quality of gait I would have liked going to the oxer, but she also has such a strong jump that I just had to do my best to not let her run out. She didn't, and somehow, we made it through the line. Unfortunately, since I was so focused on that line, I completely forgot about the last jump, which meant that I broke to the trot, thought I was finishing, and hen had to circle back once I remembered. By the way, I called it in my course walk that I was going to forget about it. (I know, cursed myself) But my baby was wonderful, came right back into it and jumped the last jump the better than anything else that day. :)
Sidenote, it only took us about two minutes to load on the trailer to go home! And we even made a stop at my aunt's house which was so scary, lol. My little mustang though, was a perfect angel, posing for pictures from inside the trailer and calmly eating her hay.
I'll have a blog post/review at least once this week and a post after our very busy two days next weekend!
Until next time... :)