Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 18 (I'm starting to lose count...)

I had very little time to go out today since I had classes and it starting raining as soon as I got home. The first five minutes it stopped, I was out the door.
She had really grown accustomed to the short lead since she eats off the ground with her hay and her feed tub. I got there, did about a minute of stick work and just clipped the long lead on. She didn't run at the first sign of pressure, so I was so happy. I started on her right side since i knew that was going to be her easier side. She let me swing the rope around and and over her back with no problem. Any movement she did was forward and toward me, which I took as a good sign. She lets me pull her head around, but has yet to take a step forward with it. She does, however, pivot on her front foot if i move around her and swing the lead.
Her left side is much more difficult. It has been with everything. She took off a few times, but wasn't scared of the lead behind her. She'd go once around and then stop and wait for me to come pick the lead up. Before we finished, I got her to take one step forward on her left and then went back to the right to finish on a very good note.
I'm so proud of how sensible and trusting she's becoming. She even is starting to get social over the fence. She comes to greet everyone (without letting them touch her, that is). :)
Okay, so the shirts. I've found a much easier way to distribute them and raise money. I haven't received payment from anyone online yet, so if you sent payment, let me know ASAP. Otherwise, I'll be posting information as soon as CustomInk gets in touch with me. Thank you so much.

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